An actual image of a pumpkin that was transferred as a file (quick).Please listen to what I say and not what I do 🙂 I like to be efficient these days, so starting with the structured approach seemed like it might waste time.

I thought up a few possible scenarios that I could chase down quickly, a few more that could take some time, and decided after that I would fall back to a more structured approach if needed. I approached this challenge similar to how I handle most cases. My time is limited these days, so I found 5 and stopped there.

This challenge essentially boiled down to exporting the shared capture file and then analyzing it to find 5 (or more) hidden pumpkins. If you have not completed it and intend to do so please stop reading here. *SPOILER ALERT* The rest of this post describes the challenge and the process I followed for solving the challenge. I feel like once you’re a “packet junkie” you are always one! It has actually been awhile since I’ve dug into a capture due to my recent shift in focus to Amazon Web Services, so this was a lot of fun for me.

Well, Tom and the team at CloudShark have put together an excellent packet capture challenge on their blog once again.